U. S. History
The AP US History Exam will be given on Friday, May 5, 2023. If you plan on taking the test, you can sign up at a local high school, or as many of my students have in the past, with DCCS.
A Study of U. S. History from the Age of Exploration to the Present with Primary Source Material.
General Course Description
Students will have two base texts, but our classroom focus and writing assignments will be on primary source documents. The following lists the general goals of the course.
1) Students will understand what the study of history involves. One misconception is that studying history is merely the memorization of facts and dates—although that does play an important role. The proper study of history involves drawing logical conclusions regarding causes and effects of events and situations by using textual evidence from primary source documents.
2) Students will get a sense of purpose in the study of history. The study of history serves a variety of purposes, one of which is not bolstering our prejudiced assumptions about the world. One important benefit of knowing history is that it provides an informed perspective on the problems of the present and suggests real, not theoretical solutions.
3) Students will learn how to interpret primary source documents. When students read primary source documents, it is important for them to know about the authors and their relationship to the event about which they are writing. It is also important for them to consider the author's milieu, viewpoints and any consequential biases. In essays, students will be required to compare and contrast the perspective of authors of the past with that of authors of the present.
Materials Needed
Assignment 1
Journal Entries of Columbus
Alexander VI's Papal Bull and the Line of Demarcation
Textbook Material on Columbus
Assignment 2
John's Smith's account of himself
Assignment 3
Jonathan Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity"
Cotton Mather's "Roger Williams"
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson
Assignment 4
Documents of the Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards' sermon text
Jonathan Edwards' sermon audio
Assignment 5
DBQ Sample Question
DBQ Sample Response
Assignment 6
Governor Dinwiddie's Letter to the French
The French Reply to Governor Dinwiddie's Letter
Assignment 6
Patrick Henry's speech "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"
The Stamp Act Document
Jonathan Mayhew's "When is Resistance a Duty"
UNIT 5 Test Sheet and DBQ Documents
Assignment 8
Assignment 9
George Washington's Farewell Address
Assignment 10
Timothy Flint's Standard of the Frontier
Assignment 11
Unit 2 Test including the Great Awakening
Assignment 14
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Assignment 17
Rockefeller Anti-Trust Document
Assignment 24
Assignment 26
L. B. J.'s Great Society Speech
Assignment 31
Please do not open until you have studied for the test; honor code signature
AP History Tests
Assignment 22 DBQ